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Fire Damage Restoration

What if your house needs Fire Damage Restoration

We all cringe when we hear a fire truck siren and the heavy sound of it zipping by. While we are grateful for the brave men and women who come to the rescue of the burning buildings that surround us, saving millions of lives per year, we also know the loss that goes with it. Fire damage can devastate a family, with the loss of valuable items and the interior of your home being reduced to shambles. Fortunately, there are professional fire damage restoration teams that can work with you to get back what you lost. But first things first. The safety of you and your family is the number one concern. It is advisable that you go back into your home after a fire, only after you have been assured that the structure is safe. After

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Fire Damage Restoration

that, enter carefully, stepping cautiously, and deliberately. A fire can damage the floor underneath you and the ceiling overhead, so always be extra careful when entering a burned room. And be prepared to see things that may cause you a great deal of stress. But remember, it is only temporary, and with some cleaning and restoration, you can most likely get back to as close to what you had as possible. The first thing that will hit you smack in the face is the smoke smell. The most important thing to do is to open windows and doors and to remove items from the home, if you can do it safely, that have absorbed the smell. That means pretty much anything made of a porous material, such as furniture with cushions, drapery, chair with cushions, carpeting, area rugs, stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, etc. By removing as many items as possible, you can reduce the odor that is trapped in the home.  After that, you will want to walk around and assess the damage. Oftentimes, though, the damage is not easily detected with an untrained eye. That’s why the team at Superior Restoration in San Diego, is therel. They will professionally assess the situation, check with the firemen to determine the cause of fire, as well as the type of fire, and they will examine all items that are damaged due to the fire. After a major fire, there can be damage deep inside the walls,floors, and ceilings that has weakened their structure. There could also be conditions that will continue to damage if left undisturbed. The faster you find this type of situation, the better. It is a good idea to get a restoration team in your home right away.

If you have fire damage problem, call us right now: 760-434-4555

Odor is one of the most annoying aspects in the aftermath of a fire. Smoke damage can permeate fabric and cling to the walls and ceiling, making it feel like all is lost. Smoke damaged items do not have to be lost. A fire damage restoration team is experienced in  cleaning up the mess and eliminating the odor in most items in the home. Fire damage that has burned furniture, cabinets, countertops, floors and even walls and ceilings, are not able to just be cleaned. What is needed is restoration. But first, the damage and condition must be assessed.There are typically two types of damage reported after a fire. They are called, simple and complex damage. You are said to have simple damage when the fire is fueled by burning wood. This type of fire is considered to instantly combust and the resulting damage is easier to clean up. Complex damage, however, can be quite extensive. These types of fires are fueled by synthetic materials such as your carpeting, draperies, wiring, toys, and more. The aftermath of this is soot and acid deposits, making clean up a lot more difficult.

Flood Damage
Smoke Damage Restoration

Along with smoke damage and fire damage, is most likely water damage. When the fireman put out the fire, they bring in large hoses to put out the flames. Depending on the size of the fire, there can be extensive water damage in addition what was lost in the fire. This makes clean-up all that more intense. Walls, floors and ceiling burned in the fire and then hosed down can be weakened at their foundation, and need to be professionally assessed by a restoration team. The first thing smoke damage restoration team will do is determine how safe the rooms are and then work to repair weaknesses. Using an odor neutralizing substance while cleaning surfaces. Carpets are removed, or treated with the odor neutralizing substance, and porous furniture is cleaned with this substance as well. They work to dry out soaked areas and remove soot, and charred debris from the home. All of this makes a huge difference right away, in the appearance and small of your home.

What About Insurance

A good idea, while the smoke damage restoration team is taking care of your home, is to check with your insurance company. You will want to find out what type of smoke damage restoration coverage you have on your policy.  The cost resulting from a fire to your home can be high, and having the right kind of insurance can help. That’s why working with a restoration team, that has your best interests in mind, such as Superior Restoration in San Diego, is a great idea. They will work with you to ensure that your home is restored back to new and that it is affordable.


Fire Damage Restoration

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